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onTrak with USB charging cable, adhesive mounting discs, quick reference guide / mounting template. More details >

About the mounts

When choosing a mount for your tablet/.phone please note you will need a base as well as a holder – mix and match to find the right combination for you. We have partnered with ROKK, who provide (in our opinion) the best mounts available. Example combinations:

A tablet holder and suction base

A phone holder and rail mount

Optional Mounts for your Tablet/Phone

Select a recommended ROKK phone or tablet holder, with your choice of base to mount securely on your tractor.

1. Pick at least one holder

Phone Holder


Suitable for all Phones (even in a case). Choose your base for mounting.

Tablet Holder


Suitable for both iPad full size and iPad mini including cases. Choose your base for mounting.

Holder and Base Recommended

2. Pick at least one base

Suction Base


If you are looking for a flexible solution that can easily be moved between machines the heavy duty suction base would be most suitable.

Rail Base


Perfect for mounting on the door handles of tractors or quad bike handle rails. If you are looking for a more permanent solution the rail mount is a good option. Many customers purchase multiple rail bases to allow for one in each machine.

Self Adhesive


Stick this to any flat surface with the heavy duty 3M adhesive. Suitable for compact tractors.

What’s in the onTrak Box?
  • onTrak
  • USB charging cable
  • Adhesive mounting discs
  • Quick reference guide / mounting template
About the Mounts

When choosing a mount for your tablet/phone, please note you will need a base as well as a holder – mix and match to find the right combination for you. We have partnered with ROKK, who provide (in our opinion) the best mounts available. Example combinations:

A tablet holder and suction base

A phone holder and rail mount